Techniques To Ensure Your Septic Tank Serves You Longer

28 March 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog


Proper maintenance of septic tanks helps in making them last longer, and also ensures the tank serves you right in the long-run. There are major precautionary measures for septic tanks that you should carry out. Below is a detailed explanation of key maintenance practices for septic tanks that come in handy for all systems.

Protection from Physical Damage

Septic tanks can be damaged if located in places where other activities are taking place. Avoid digging a disposal garbage pit near the tank. Also, do not plant trees, erect fences, or build a pet house on top or near your septic tank. The roots of plants, particularly trees can damage the tank, so ensure the tank is located at a reasonable distance from any deep-rooted or large trees you plant.

It is also important to avoid flooding near the septic tank. Create a good drainage tunnel near and around your septic tank, especially if it is at a lower point than the other areas of your compound. Also, ensure rainwater drainage such as the gutter is not near the septic tank area.

Avoid Forbidden Waste

A septic tank can be used to dispose a myriad of wastes, but there certain things you should not allow to drain into your tank.  Hazardous materials compromise the effectiveness of your septic system, and can lead to damage of the tank.

Materials that should not go in your septic tank include dental floss, flushable wipes, grease and oils, diapers, cigarette butts, plastic papers, and household chemicals such as pesticides and paints. Also, avoid disposing pharmaceuticals in the tank because most drugs, particularly antibiotics, interfere with the septic tank treatment and decomposition of waste by bacteria.

Regular Inspection and Pumping

You should have your septic system inspected regularly--either annually for alternative systems with pumps and electrical float switches, or after every three years for other septic systems. Home use septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years depending on household consumption, waste water produced, the size of the tank, and the amount of solids in the waste.

You can reduce the number of times your septic tank has to be pumped by disposing most food wastes in the garbage. Another solution is ensuring any leaking fixtures are repaired immediately so as to reduce the amount of waste water collected. You should also consider investing in water-efficient toilets.

A septic tank is an indispensable disposal system for your home or workplace. The type and size of septic tank you choose will be determined by your needs. Make sure you consult a professional septic service provider, such as Econocycle, to guide you through the process of acquiring the most appropriate septic system for you.